Diesel Hydraulic Fire Water Pump Systems

Project description
The FPSO Cidade de Marica operates under a 20 year lease charter for Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) in the Lula field in the presalt layer of the Santos basin offshore Brazil. The FPSO is owned and operated by affiliated companies of SBM Offshore, Mitsubishi Corporation, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, and Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A. in which SBM Offshore’s shareholding is 56%.
For this project Hydrodiesel successfully tested and delivered a total of two 1280 m³/h Fire Water Pump Systems. Each system consists of a hydraulic driven lift pump, installed below the water line, delivering water to a below deck mounted diesel driven booster pump. The control philosophy is designed for full autonomous operation. Design, construction and testing according to the requirements of ABS, NR-13 and NFPA-20 is all done in-house.
FPSO Cidade de Marica
Customer / End User:
SBM Offshore / Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras)
SBM Offshore
Brasil – Block BM-S-11 – Lula field
Brasa Shipyard – Brazil
Classification Society:
ABS, NFPA 20, NR-13
System capacity:
2x 1280 m³/h @ 140 mwc (2x 100%)