Diesel & Hydrostatic Fire Water Pump Systems

Project description
Under a 20 year charter Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) leases the FSO Cidade de Macae MV15, which is owed and operated by MODEC. The FSO will receive and export production from five platforms offshore Brazil: P-52 (Roncador), P-53 (MarlimLeste), P-51 (MarlimSul) and P-55 (Roncador) and Roncador Module 4 unit, installed in the Campos Basin.
For this project we successfully tested and delivered a total of two 1150 m³/h Fire Water Pump Systems. The primary system consists of a diesel driven booster pump. The secondary system consists of a hydrostatic driven booster pump, installed below the water line, delivering water directly to the fire main ring. The control philosophy is designed for full autonomous operation. Design, construction and testing according to the requirements of ABS, NR-13 and NFPA-20 is all done in-house.
FSO Cidade de Macaé MV15
Customer / End User:
MODEC Offshore Production Systems (Sing) PteLtd / Petrobras
MODEC Offshore Production Systems
Brasil – Campos basin – Marlim Sul, Roncador and Marlim Leste fields
Keppel Shipyard – Singapore
Classification Society:
ABS, NFPA 20, NR-13
System capacity:
2x 1150 m³/h @ 120 mwc (2x 100%)